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Estate Planning
Estate Planning
Institutional Trust and Loan Agency
Institutional Trust and Loan Agency
Institutional Trust and Loan Agency

Institutional Trust and Loan Agency

For Agency, escrow, bond & security trustee services as well as employee share option plans


As an impartial third party, we play a crucial role in bridging the gap between the borrower and the lenders, ensuring that all parties in a syndicated loan transaction are protected in line with the documented agreements throughout the life of the syndicated loan.

What it offers you:

  • Corporates take advantage of the following services based on transaction dynamics which includes but not limited to the following:

Transaction monitoring for:

  • Fulfilment of conditions precedent.
  • Fulfilment of conditions subsequent
  • Covenant compliance
  • Information undertaking

Acting as distribution channel for funds to:

  • The borrower via a drawdown notice
  • The lenders via a repayment of capital or interest due
  • Fees remittance for transaction parties

Coordination of the transaction parties as it relates to:

  • Change in loan terms/ conditions
  • Partial sell down
  • Onboarding a new party
  • Exiting an existing member of the syndicate

Agent bank
Bond trustee
Bond Trustee

Our presence as a trustee in the bond transaction helps to promote investor's confidence and ensures probity and accountability to the issuer.

What it offers you:

As Bond trustees, we offer the following services:

  • Protecting the interest of bond holders
  • Satisfactory compliance with regulators
  • Fiduciary services such as:
    • Establishing the accounts related to the bond
    • Invoicing the issuer for debt service payments and holding funds until dispersed
    • Making interest (and ultimately principal) payments to bondholders.

Contact us for a discussion, to determine what you need

Employee Share Option Plan

We manage and administer schemes in which a corporate entity allocates some of its shares to some members of staff who have been instrumental to its development. This is usually done as means of incentive/encouragement.

What it offers you:

As Trustees to a share option scheme, we offer the following services based on transaction dynamics and dictates which includes but not limited to the following:

  • Elimination of conflict of interest
  • Transfer of the administrative stress to a trusted third party
  • Expert advice in structuring the scheme to suit the nature of business.

Contact us for a discussion, to determine what you need

Group Life Insurance
Escrow Agency
Escrow Agency

As the escrow agency, we perform the third-party role and hold an asset or document on behalf of a first-party for delivery to a second-party or beneficiary upon the occurrence of a condition or event specified in the escrow agreement.

What it offers you:

As escrow agents, we offer the following services:

  • Opening off-shore escrow accounts where required to hedge against foreign exchange losses
  • Multi-currency account opening and maintenance
  • Adherence to instructions (payment of authorized invoices and request for information) issued by the principals and parties to the transaction in a timely manner
  • Investing idle funds via a daily sweep arrangement to ensure no investment benefit is lost
  • Prompt reconciliation
  • Handling the funds and/or documents in accordance with the instruction
  • Periodic reporting to stakeholders in line with transaction dynamics and agreement.
  • Closing the escrow in accordance to instructions when and where required.

Contact us for a discussion, to determine what you need

Security Trustee

We hold, in trust, the collateral documents presented by contracting parties in any project or debt financing transaction. When the finance transaction is successfully completed, the trust is dissolved and the assets are returned to the borrower. However, if the finance transaction fails, the assets are liquidated and the proceeds are distributed to the creditors.

What it offers you:

As security trustees, we offer the following services:

  • Security of title documents/collateral which are held in trust
  • Prompt and accurate information on status of title documents to transaction parties as may be required
  • Provision of funding requirement of the Stamp duty escrow account
  • Compliance on insurance policy on security assets.

Contact us for a discussion, to determine what you need

Security trustee
Collective Investment Schemes (CIS)

We serve as trustees to different types of CIS to ensure adherence to Trust Deed terms and maintain oversight on the administration of the funds by fund managers. 

What it offers you:

As trustees, we offer the following services:

  • Monitor the activities of the fund manager and the custodian on behalf of and in the interest of unit holders and fund contributors/investors
  • Ensure that the custodian takes into custody all the schemes' assets and holds it in trust for the beneficiaries in accordance with the Trust Deed and Custodial Agreement.
  • Monitor the register of unit holders and fund contributors/investors.
  • Ascertain compliance with the provisions of the Trustee Investment Act, Investments and Securities Act and the Trust Deed of the Fund Manager.
  • Ascertain that monthly and other periodic returns/reports relating to the scheme or fund are sent by the Fund Manager to the Commission.
  • Take all steps and execute all documents which are necessary to secure acquisition , investments or disposals properly made by the Fund Manager in accordance with the Trust Deed and Custodial Agreement.
  • Exercise any right of voting conferred on it as the registered holder of any investment and/or forward to the fund manager within a reasonable time all notices of meetings, reports, circulars, proxy solicitations and any other document of a like nature for necessary action;

Contact us for a discussion, to determine what you need

Bespoke Trust

As trustees we create hybrid trust schemes that are tailored to suit the needs of corporate clients. 

What it offers you:

As trustees, we offer the following services:

  • Ensuring that the scheme is managed by in accordance with the Investment Securities Act, rules and regulations, the schemes’ Trust Deed and custodial agreement etc.

Contact us for a discussion, to determine what you need